General Description
Smithsonite is a variably coloured trigonal mineral which only rarely is found in well-formed crystals. The typical habit is as earthy botryoidal masses. Smithsonite occurs as a secondary mineral in the weathering or oxidation zone of Zinc-bearing ore deposits. It sometimes occurs as replacement bodies in carbonate rocks and as such may constitute Zinc ore. A very nice range of facetted free form crystals which are manufactured in South Africa, in a Malagasy owned workshop!This unique line of pendants are all locally manufactured. The copper wire wraps are all uniquely made in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. A very beautiful range of pendants which are all unique and practically one of a kind copper jewellery pieces.
The photographs are representative of either the entire stock item offered, else a representative sample of the broader batch. Variation is to be expected across individually selected batches. However, all batches / items within this stock item are fully sorted and selected accordingly to associated grade.
Product Data
Locality = CongoGrade = Very Good Grade
Size = 50 - 60 x 300mm | 2 - 2.4 x 11.8 inch
Net Weight = Ave. 22g
Product Type = Jewellery